• Mission
    Because research helps to understand, support, and build.

    Develop and share the most relevant scientific knowledge regarding the psychological health of populations exposed to armed conflicts and intergroup violence.

    Our Mission
  • Observe
    Our Perspective

    Leaders researching the relationship between emotions and cognition in extreme situations. Because a new perspective is necessary for coexistence.

  • Understand
    Research Axes

    Each of our studies focuses on psychological health. We provide significant contributions to the development of a rich pool of knowledge in the rapidly expanding research areas of human cognition and trauma.


AXIS 3: Post-Conflict Reconstruction

Exploration of the impact of various aspects of psychological functioning on the reconstruction of societies in post-conflict situations.



Intergenerational transmission of trauma and its association with attitudes towards reconciliation in Rwanda.

Ingabire, M.C., Caparos, S., Rutembesa, E., Habimana, E., Ndushabandi, E. & Blanchette, I. (submitted). Intergenerational transmission of trauma and its association with attitudes towards reconciliation in Rwanda. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, and Practice.

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The psychological correlates of transitional justice in Rwanda: A long-term assessment

Caparos, S., Rutembesa, E., Habimana, E. & Blanchette, I. (2020). The psychological correlates of transitional justice in Rwanda: A long-term assessment. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12(7):774-784doi:10.1037/tra0000583

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Twenty years later, the cognitive portrait of openness to reconciliation in Rwanda

Caparos, S., Giroux, S.-V., Rutembesa, E., Habimana, E. & Blanchette, I. (2018). Twenty years later, the cognitive portrait of openness to reconciliation in Rwanda. British Journal of Psychology, 109(2), 362-385. doi:10.1111/bjop.12275

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Current Projects

Education in the Democratic Republic of Congo and francization in Quebec as intervention tools for improving the psychological well-being of populations exposed to armed conflicts.

Coming soon


Do your research interests align with ours? Contact us to discuss potential collaborations.