• Mission
    Because research helps to understand, support, and build.

    Develop and share the most relevant scientific knowledge regarding the psychological health of populations exposed to armed conflicts and intergroup violence.

    Our Mission
  • Observe
    Our Perspective

    Leaders researching the relationship between emotions and cognition in extreme situations. Because a new perspective is necessary for coexistence.

  • Understand
    Research Axes

    Each of our studies focuses on psychological health. We provide significant contributions to the development of a rich pool of knowledge in the rapidly expanding research areas of human cognition and trauma.


About Us

The Observatoire Psycavi is composed of a team of 15 researchers from 4 countries (France, Canada, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo) and has 4 branches (Quebec, Kigali, Bukavu, Goma). Teamwork is very important in achieving all our objectives! The work at each of the branches is led by local researchers and supported by a local coordinator who is on the ground and handles daily objectives. The Observatoire Psycavi also has a management team that oversees the functioning of the Observatoire as a whole and ensures that all objectives are met. The management and coordination team meets monthly to assess progress, provide updates on regional developments, and share ideas.

A scientific committee is responsible for awarding scholarships and grants. Several students carry out their research projects as part of the Observatoire, in Africa and Canada, while others work on data collection and analysis or knowledge mobilization. In addition to conducting high-quality research on armed conflicts and psychological health, the Observatoire Psycavi supports knowledge mobilization activities, especially during annual scientific conferences.


Etymology of PSYCAVI

PSY : Psychological

: Conflicts

A : Armed

V : Violence

I : Intergroupe


Symbolism of our logo

Logo Observatoire PSYCAVI

A nod to African culture, where the majority of our data collection takes place, our logo aims to be a symbol reflecting the dignity and resilience of the individuals participating in our research.

Too often, pitiful images of populations affected by armed conflicts are disseminated, evoking pity or guilt in the international community, and shame or discouragement among the represented individuals. We believe that this type of imagery does not support the reconstruction efforts of these populations.

Therefore, in opposition, we have chosen to illustrate a character with a proud posture. A woman, moreover, as women bear several impacts of armed conflicts, particularly through victimization on a sexual level.

Her hair seems to rise like a spiral towards infinity, reflecting a multitude of ideas awakening, thus evoking the richness of possibilities that become accessible through a better understanding of mental and cognitive processes.

The choice of the color green, reminiscent of the lush hills of Rwanda and eastern DRC, aligns with the desire to communicate hope rather than despair. We are confident that the scientific advancements in which we participate and the evidence we reveal are vectors of progress and will have positive repercussions on the future of the populations under study.